
dang dog

so i have these three dogs...this really does have something to do with stamping...and they are a pain in the butt! kosmo, the rottweiler, is the only behaved one (most of the time), but its only because he is a deputy sheriff (k-9) and has to obey the rules...although he can be a pain too (all 120lbs of him). the youngest of the bunch is oscar who is also the fluffy, cute one. don't let that fool you tho because he is actually dr. jekyl and mr. hyde reincarnated! then there is rex. she is a blue heeler and doesn't have any cows to herd so she attempts to herd us. she belongs to my son...who recently moved i ask myself daily..and rex...why she is still here...SHE is the reason i am posting today.
last night i decided to make cookies with the sole purpose being so i could put one in my trick or treat wrap sample so you could see what i was thinking there. i left them on the counter to cool...with the usual "rex-proofing" that consists of stacking "stuff" along the counter so she cant reach her pointy nose to my cookies...well, IT DIDN'T WORK! she still got them! so i had to piece a couple cookies together for the picture..cussing the dang dog the whole time. today i am packing her bags for her and calling her father to come get her....which won't happen because his apartment can't have pets...i should have that policy here!

from mom..."don't give poor rexie away....eating cookies is in her genes too" she should let rexie live with her! she loves going to visit grandma and running in her backyard during "doggie summer camp" while we go on vacation


Frenchy said...

I had a basset hound that was a counter jumper. My 13 year old still talks about the time he made a gingerbread house in the 3rd grade and she jumped up and got the whole darn thing.

Heidi said...

that's amazing since bassets have such short legs!